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Employee Engagement Software for Boosting Productivity and Performance

Easy-to-use employee engagement software designed to enhance your organization with anonymous surveys and detailed reporting, fostering a culture of motivated and energized employees.

What is Employee Engagement, and Why is It Important?

Employee engagement reflects an individual’s emotional and personal connection to their organization, shaped by their work environment. We assess engagement through key indicators such as satisfaction with work, intent to stay, and “Likelihood to Recommend.” Highly engaged employees not only show greater retention, but our research also demonstrates they contribute to improved safety, stronger clinical outcomes, and an enhanced patient experience.

Get the Insights You Need To Make Changes

Gather valuable feedback to gauge sentiment across your organization with surveys tailored for the entire company, leadership, or specific teams. Proactively address workforce challenges before they escalate.

*Burnout Among Professionals*

A survey by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing revealed that over 90% of behavioral health workers have experienced burnout.

Drive impact with employee engagement surveys

Measure employee engagement and sentiment across the entire lifecycle from recruitment to exit with the Care Predictor platform.

Easy to understand reports

Quickly analyze survey responses, uncover key themes, and create actionable plans with the help of our of AI agents.

Turn feedback into action with the help of AI

Streamline survey analysis with Care Predictor’s AI, which reads and interprets employee comments in seconds. Quickly uncover key themes, actionable insights, and tailored recommendations to drive impactful initiative

See what Care Predictor can do for your organization

We focus on delivering measurable ROI and meaningful outcomes for both your business and your team.