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Research shows a strong therapeutic alliance has been linked to better treatment outcomes, improved symptom reduction, increased client satisfaction, and higher rates of treatment completion.
To identify people that have a strong Therapeutic Alliance, we developed the Care PredictorTM Index (CPI) – a proven methodology for improving outcomes.
The Care Predictor Index (CPI) is an assessment tool used to predict a care provider’s ability to form a strong Therapeutic Alliance with a help seeker.
The Supportive Care Predictor Index (SCPI) was developed for non-counseling supportive care positions.
Research shows a strong therapeutic alliance has been linked to better treatment outcomes, improved symptom reduction, increased client satisfaction, and higher rates of treatment completion.
To identify people that have a strong Therapeutic Alliance, we developed the Care PredictorTM Index (CPI) – a proven methodology for improving outcomes.
Trust and relationship building with potential clients is crucial in the
mental health field. It takes time to establish a relationship and for
clients to feel comfortable opening up about their issues. This relationship between a care provider and their client, known as the Working Alliance, is a critical component to the delivery of behavioral health treatment. Our assessments identify individuals that have a strong Working Alliance, and this leads to stronger client relationships.
Prioritize the right candidates based on how their behavioral profile fits the requirements of the role. When you see which candidates possess those natural behaviors, you can better predict who’s likely to be successful in the role – and stay for the long term.
Along with the overall score, the Care Predictor Report also includes a percentile ranking of the prospective care provider and a breakdown of the score into 10 key variables predictive of great care. A written description of the care provider’s results as it relates to therapeutic relationships is also included as well as the identification of variables that can be improved upon through training.
Our innovative index will help you quickly and easily spot care providers’ strengths and weaknesses, offering clear guidance on where to focus training efforts and recognizing excellence among applicants and the existing workforce. It’s a powerful tool that can improve your current workforce, help guide training and hiring efforts, and lead to better outcomes for clients — call it a win-win-win.
Along with the overall score, the Care Predictor Report also includes a percentile ranking of the prospective care provider and a breakdown of the score into 10 key variables predictive of great care. A written description of the care provider’s results as it relates to therapeutic relationships is also included as well as the identification of variables that can be improved upon through training.
Our innovative index will help you quickly and easily spot care providers’ strengths and weaknesses, offering clear guidance on where to focus training efforts and recognizing excellence among applicants and the existing workforce. It’s a powerful tool that can improve your current workforce, help guide training and hiring efforts, and lead to better outcomes for clients — call it a win-win-win.
Key Variables